Friday, 27 January 2023

X marks the spot

The diamond pattern (think of the Takmahl diamond rod) appears from time to time in Takmahl symbology. The sites of the labyrinth appear to make a diamond, but there seems to be a culet point missing. That was the first clue.

Second, I ran the list of points through several AI predictors, using machine learning on Takmahl design. One of the more powerful ones, "chatGPT" suggested coordinates of a hidden room.

Third, I consulted a research group at Hedion that specializes in Takmahl puzzles. 

The different sources suggested coordinates for a hidden room, if any exists. The suggestions match to within about 1000 km. The location is indicated by an "X" in the map.

This point is over 54000 km away from the nearest warpable point. Using a 9 km/sec cap stable (!) Punisher for merely 10 million ISK, such as this one:

[Punisher, *Velocitas]
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Overdrive Injector System II
Overdrive Injector System II

50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Small Cap Battery II

Small Ancillary Current Router II
Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Semiconductor Memory Cell I

I can get there subwarp in 100 minutes. Bookmark spots. Get back with an exploration vessel. Perhaps with a few implants I can even boost my speed somewhat more. I must acknowledge professor Moriarty, whom I met almost two years ago, for teaching me that punishers can fit an oversized microwarpdrive and be really, really fast in a cap stable way, allowing you to travel great distances in a reasonable time. I am looking forward to set up this next expedition!