Friday, 13 October 2023

blood raider expert

I want to make holo-documentaries for each of the rooms in the Takmahl museum. For some of those -especially the one about the downfall the Takmahl- I want to interview the foremost expert in the cluster.

Except, there is a problem with that.

The foremost expert in the cluster is a blood raider. 

Professor Valerie Valate works at Kaztropolis University, a prominent academic institution, unfortunately in blood raider controlled territory in the Delve region. I met her long ago, in Kador, and even though the adheres to the Sani Sabik philosophy, she very nice and also the leading scholar on the Takmahl in the cluster. Her knowledge on the Takmahl culture is second to none. She's written best-seller books on the topic, and has developed her theories about the downfall of the Takmahl. It's impossible to create a Takmahl museum without her input in some way.

It is not straightforward to book a trip to Kaztropol from the Empire. I have tried in the past to go there but have not yet succeeded. And now especially, during in the crimson harvest period where we battle the blood raiders with renewed strength, it is difficult. But for the museum exhibits I must contact professor Valate and get her answers on some questions. Perhaps an on-line interview might suffice, or a written interview.