Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Unfortunate malfunctions

Today I found out there was a problem with the stasis pod, and repairs had to me made.

Sadly, during these repairs Layla's left leg fell off. It is amazing how fragile millennium old corpses can be. 

She makes me wonder about the role of cyborgs in Takmahl society. It is known that they used them as biodroids to oversee the slaves. But cybernetic enhancements could have been of use also to the affluent population, either to overcome disabilities or to enhance potential. Layla's implants are mostly neural, with a hint of some infomorph tech - different from the Jove, maybe a Talocan influence? Did they use the enhancements to store memories so they could replay them later, a bit like a photobook? It would be wonderful if one could reactivate these, but till now I can find no other way than a transplant. I will try to get a consult with Hedion's cybernetics department.

Side note: new exploration efforts will have to wait a while as the first disadvantage of joining a corporation manifests itself: when your corporation is at war, there is no safety even in highsec space.