Saturday, 5 October 2024

The battle of Zinkon

"I will not hesitate when the test of Faith finds me, for only the strongest conviction will open the gates of paradise" - Prophet Kuria

Amarr fleets have an unwavering dedication to the Empress and put their full trust in God. That is why -as the prophet Kuria says- they do not hesitate even when facing almost certain death. It is a trait I witnessed during the famous battle of Wirashoda, a turning point in the first Pochven war, and I witnessed it again today in the war against the Lowsechnaya Sholupen pirates and rebels. 

I came to Aridia to join the LUMEN fleet under command of Prince Seraghis. The Leshak/Damnation fleet headed out for  a crucial battle in this war. We struck right at the heart of the enemy, at their headquarters in Zinkon.

I was part of an understaffed logistics wing with four Guardian class vessels - and soon it became clear that we would not be able to keep the fleet from taking damage. Moreover, the pirates were helped by their unholy alliance with the Blood Raiders. A Blood Raider combat wing was at the station, targeting our logistics. The combination of Lowsechnaya Sholupen's battlecruiser fleet, the Blood Raider elite frigate fleet, and the stations's batteries, were too much to tank. We did as best we could for much longer than I thought possible, thanks to the outstanding wing command of Meja Lirnix from Zaraehvar. 

Our fleet stayed right on the enemy station, fully exposed to enemy fire, knowing that it would be decimated but the goal of destroying that demonic station would be reached. The sacrifice was warranted: these pirates have been attacking many other stations in the region, threatening to kill potentially hundreds of thousands of baseliner station workers and inhabitants, if not more. The bravery paid off: we succeeded. 

I will stay in Haimeh tonight, to organise a service for the families of fallen crew members, many of whom were recruits from that system. Their sacrifice must be honored - they helped ended this war. It is through their devotion to Amarr that now the rebellious pirates are either dead or in disarray. For now. We must remain ever vigilant lest they regroup.