This post follows the two previous ones summazing my search thusfar.
Part III - Investigating the Takmahl lead
The Takmahl political organisation reflected what we had in Amarr, and at the head of their society stood an emperor. The possession of the stolen Avetat would have strengthened his claim to power and brought the wise rule necessary to make the Takmahl thrive well beyond any other Sabik colony. Under the emperor stood holders, with commoners under them, and finally slaves at the end of the chain of obedience. The Takmahl empire incorporated Talocan technology into their own science.
I spent most of the year investigating several leads in connection with the Takmahl :
- I have not uncovered hard evidence that the Takmahl could reach Anoikis or any other far flung part of the cluster using Talocan jump gate technology. There are Takmahl artefacts in Anoikis, but it is not clear they were left there by the Takmahl themselves.
- I spent a lot of time investigating the Araz constellation and the surroundings of the Takmahl core worlds. During one of my expeditions I found a mummified corpse with intact cyberimplants (the Takmahl have developed advanced cybernetics). I keep that corpse in a stasis pod, I need to clone it to succesfully fool the cyberimplants and reactivate them.
- Given their attachment to the pentagram, I was intrigued that besides Araz there is only one other pentagram constellation in the cluster, in Deklein. I went there, beyond the borders of the civilized world, but was unable to find any traces of the Takmahl.
- The Bersirym system is another such place of interest outside or Araz. There is a high concentration of Takmahl relics there, and I found out that it was being used by gangsters to fund their activities. Although I found their space warehouse, I haven't really found the source of these relics, and this is a lead I must continue.
- Finally, I followed archeological reports that claimed there is a large temple or treasury on, let us call it "planet G". The Takmahl emperor would indeed have kept such a relic in a well guarded treasury, but it is not clear that their influence reached planet G. It is also not clear why they wouldn't keep them close at hand in Aphi - unless they got scared of them. There are certainly interesting things hidden there, guarded moreover by typical Jove tech (nanoswarms). However, this treasure is not accessible any more...
Ultimately, Takmahl society collapsed, for reasons not altogether clear. Their numbers dwindled from billions to a few hundred thousand that had reverted to barbary and ignorance by the time our explorers encountered them, as can be seen from the photograph below.
This means that any knowledge of where the Avetat was kept, if indeed it ended up in the possession of the Takmahl emperor, is now lost. Searching their ruins and wreckage will therefore remain an important part of my search.
However, there are still other leads to follow.