Saturday, 26 October 2024

Second battle of Zinkon

When you chop off one of the heads of the mythical hydra, it grows two more. The same goes for piracy: if you remove one set of pirates, others come to fill in the void left by their deposed predecessors. It is not different in Aridia. After the defeat of the previous bunch of LowSechnayans, a new horde of them came in to take the place of their fallen comrades and stake their claim on the Aridian spacelanes. 

The two heads that grew from the one chopped off were Parallaxis Alliance and the new LowSechnayans. It did not take long before war broke out again between this pirate alliance and Prince Seraghis' pacification forces. We mustered the fleet once more, and set out to destroy the newly built headquarters of the LowSechnayans, again in Zinkon. The logistics wing was well staffed, and the battle wing consisted of Typhoon battleships. 

However, it did not go as well as last time...

The enemy fleet consisted mostly of Leshak battleships, and -another proof of the close links between the LowSechnayans and the Blood Raiders- a Bhaalgorn, along with Nestor logistics. Unfortunately, they forced us to our knees. They used electronic warfare - ECM's - to have our Guardians lose target lock. We had to make a tactical retreat, and took heavy losses. 

We learn and grow through the hardships that we face. Indeed, scripture tells us that we are closest to God when "only through many hardships, [...] a man [is] stripped to his very foundations". We're certainly not at that bleak point, but Book of Missions does remind us that there is purpose not only in victory, but also in the occasional defeat.