Sunday, 27 October 2024

SoCT Scandal

The logbook fragments of Okada -meanwhile I have found a couple more as we scour specific wreck signatures- have caused a bit of an outcry against the Society of Conscious Thought. 

They are famous for their schools. I have visited one before, and used its library. 

These schools are integral parts of their enclaves, called 'kitz'es. The schools are originally meant to educate their own enclave members. They became famous for their top education and now offer programs to selected children all over the cluster. These seemed to be selected more or less at random, and it was thought that this was some sort of way to ensure equality of opportunity among humankind.

Now these logbooks contain accusations that the children are selected to be brainwashed and become spies for the Society of Conscious Thought. Indeed, it is notable that these graduates often get important posts, also here in Amarr. Whether there is truth to this accusion or not, the press coverage in the Federation has turned it into the scandal of the day.

Here, Amarr Certified News is not so quick to jump to conclusions and does not comment on the matter. But, regardless of that, or of the authenticity of the logbook, I am convinced that there will now be quiet purges. In particular in the Amarr Civil Service where many Amarrian SoCT alumni end up getting influencial posts.

Also regardless of the truth or falsehood of the accusion, I believe that we should remain wary of those who worship the Jove in stead of our one true God, and question what it is exactly that they indoctrinate our children with.