Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Safe passage into Deklein

It was nice to chat with Celeste again, I had not seen her in a while. She and lady Renaud are engaged! And they've asked me to officiate - I am so thrilled to be involved in their wedding.

I did have an opportunity to discuss another matter with Celeste. She's been working a lot with the savages beyond the edge of the civilized world. I do not mean the Gallente, but the people of the so-called "sovereign nullsec" stars. These are systems not claimed by any of the empires. Of course barbary and lawlessness are rife, and these stars are ruled by a hodgepodge collection of warlords constantly trying to assassinate each other. It's very brave of Celeste to try and educate these wildlings.

In order to be able to peacefully explore the pentragam constellation in Deklein, I would need to secure safe passage with the local chieftain. I have good hope of doing so. The local wildlings call themselves "Federation of Honor Respect Passion Alliance". This attests to their lack of literacy. No punctuation and then "the federation of an alliance". Anyway, I hope they will "Honor" their agreements and "Respect" peaceful explorers. 

Celeste kindly agreed to review my letter to them. She was not convinced that I would get safe passage. I think I will also request the help of our industrialist Drabar, I believe our polyglot miner foreman knows their language and can translate my missive once ready. 

For now, I will look into the historical records of the 51st Exploration Corps. We have a lot of their material at the Mehatoor library, thanks to our Directrix and to Jen Roku who recently shared absolutely stunning pictures of a Water Baron and his son. The 51st would have faced problems similar to mine, when they discovered the early-industrial civilization on Mishi IV. Namely: how to write a letter to a Water Baron?