Friday, 4 October 2024

Trouble in Aridia

Being chaplain to the sprawling empire that LUMEN has become, you have to keep many plates spinning. My attention has recently been going to our expansion into wormhole space, but also back in Aridia there is need for capsuleer ministry. 

Prince Seraghis is working hard to pacify the region near Mishi, and bring prosperity to the Mayonhen constellation and beyond. Mishi IV is the home system of the Ni-Kunni people that have spread to every corner of the empire. They are a prime example of successful reclamation!

But now Prince and his merry band of Zaraehvar warriors have a tough nut to crack: a pirate faction called "NullSechnaya Sholupen" started causing trouble in the region. The conflict has grown into a regional war.

Prince Seraghis has been very gallant and helpful when I was exploring Aridia. Moreover many members of his Zaraehvar team are quite fond of books, and I appreciate that. They have been avid users of Gottin's Lamp Library Skillbook programme, with "Gas Cloud Harvesting" an absolute bestseller. Personally, I never really considered that one a page-turner. De gustibus non disputandum est.

Anyway, I want to help them in what little capacity I can, in gratitude for Prince's help and in recognition of the worthy goals of Zaraehvar. I am traveling over tonight to assist them, offering both spiritual help and remote repairs.