Sunday, 22 November 2020


I decided to keep this log of my research and explorations. I am searching for the most holy relics of the Empire, and I am focusing on the long lost Ametat and Avetat.

I received this quest in a vision, as saint Tal-Romon appeared to me and spoke to me. I also had to take three vows: a vow of non-agression against capsuleers, a vow of poverty, and a vow of celibacy. If I would break these vows, I would not succeed in the divine quest given to me. 

I start with no knowledge of current affairs in the Empire, as I was a monk in a secluded asteroid monastery, far away from worldly concerns. My congregation was divided in opinion, between thinking I had gone mad and thinking I was indeed given a divine vision. There was a slight majority for the latter, so I was able to bid them goodbye in faith.