The explorations have thusfar not turned up any evidence of Takmahl -or Talocan- presence in Anoikis. This is not a surprise: Anoikis is immense, and we have only scratched the surface of it, a few systems. Finding any remnant of these ancient civilizations here is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
But it also allows for the fantasy to run wild. What if the Takmahl established a colony here, and it got cut off? Could it have endured undetected? Or would it have collapsed, as its parent civilization did?
The "Earthers" believe that we are in a similar situation; that humanity has a common ancestor coming from a single system of origin, and that we essentially got cut off from them. In that scenario, at least us, the colonists, survived. Who knows what happened to the home system, "Earth" ?
In fact, after Anoikis got connected to our cluster, many Earthers through that we had reconnected with the "home cluster", and that our planet of origin lay within Anoikis rather than behind the Eve Gate. They started expeditions, and searches to locate our ancestors - or rather, their descendents, our far-removed nieces and nephews. It did not prove succesful. They did encounter the Sleepers - an offshoot of the Jove, to all likelihood. I don't wish to encounter them - they do not look kindly on explorers as many folk from our cluster plunder their sites, for lucrative loot.