Friday, 5 March 2021

A museum

I am slowly building my little collection of Takmahl artifacts. I am eager to return to exploration in Araz but these capsuleer "wars" are still raging, so I have to be patient. 
Anyway, even with my humble finds obtained earlier I have started dreaming about making a Museum of Takmahl History to exhibit these items and educate our people on this ancient culture. It can serve as a warning to the Minmatar - I see an analogy in that the Takmahl people left the light of the empire, and were in the end devoured by the darkness.
I talked to the station manager at the 24th Imperial Crusade station in Mehatoor about hiring some space to house the exhibits. There is some available office space, but it has to be torn down and rebuilt - and apparently there is an art to museum architecture and design that I do not master.