In the end, the whole experience was quite interesting. After we got our results, there was a group discussion with a career coach. The others in my group were staring at me, and having a hard time to keep their mouth from falling open. I do not think they had ever seen a capsuleer, let alone have a career orientation breakout group discussion with one.
The coach was also stunned. I told him I was a librarian as well as a chaplain, for a rather large but not to be named corporation. He'd never had a chaplain looking for career orientation. He asked what I was doing here. I told him I'd like to start a career in distribution - hauling mostly - and he almost fell of his chair. He told me that my personality traits do not match that career turn at all. I told him I knew, but in order to retrieve relics, as instructed to me by God, I needed to this career orientation thing.
It's strange how he reacted when I told him God gave me a mission, I could swear he thinks I have mental issues. This career orientation thing must be run by Caldari, if they do not understand how God guides our way. The others in the group seemed to be completely okay with this, and even relaxed when I explained myself in this way.
The coach didn't know how to react, so he just turned to the others. They didn't respond to him, but turned to me in stead. I had mentioned that I needed a crew for my hauler, somewhere in my explanations to the coach. The others in my group were all manumitted slaves, as I had guessed. They have mostly experience in manual jobs, grain havesting (John-Josiah), basket weaving (Kimberlay), and maintenance of farming equipment (Ghust). They complain that after they have been freed, there are no jobs for them. The kind of things they know how to do are slave jobs, and hence not for commoners. The kind of jobs that are for commoners require skills that they don't have.
The coach tried to mention some jobs that came up for them, including the chicken sexer, but they were fully focused on me, asking for jobs as crew members.
I found myself incapable to refuse.
They will learn while doing, they are very motivated.