Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Yoiul battle of the bots

Tracking down the biodroid was not that difficult, it came to us as we were making our way toward it.

My combat drone engaged it frontally, its shield quite able to absorb the laser fire from the biodroid. My drone unleashed a torrent of thorium rounds from its 9mm blasters. Bits and pieces of flesh were shorn off the biodroid as it was pushed back from the attack into the wall, splattering it with blood.

Meanwhile, the crew on board the Indigatrix was cheering in a somewhat unprofessional manner. I think they were following the events as if they were watching the Mind Clash finals. I would not be surprised if they had popcorn and beer.

The biodroid responded by covering its exterior with armor plate. It is not clear whether the flesh was torn off, baring these plates, or whether the plates were somehow extended from folds in the droid. It was fascinating to see Takmahl armor plates in action! Still on ships today, armor plates made from Takmahl materials are among the best plating we have, almost matching our type II plates while being much less energy and CPU consuming.

Although the biodroid was still taking damage, the rate at which it was being demolished slowed substantially. Having realized its laser was not powerful to take out the combat drone, it started walking towards my drone, facing the barrage of thorium slugs head-on. 

Another piece of equipment that we now make from retrieved Takmahl technology is improved armor repairers. It was a surprise to see that the Takmahl were able to miniaturize these to the point that a biodrone can be equipped with it. I could see the unmistakable glow of the repairer at work.

At this point, I started to worry somewhat. The crew also got tenser, the outcome of the fight looking more like a stalemate than a victory.

Then the scales started tipping. The biodroid has some sort of extendable arm, with plating and pointy bits, that it used to stab or club the drone with. The drone tried to move out of the way, but there is not enough room in these hallways and the biodroid's arm shot out so fast it smacked the drone against the side wall, disabling one of its blasters.

I panicked and decided this was the good time to throw the EMP stun grenades.

The crew yelled "nooo!" knowing that these grenades would hinder the drone more than the biodroid - the latter could still rely on its biological parts even if the electronics are temporarily disabled. Or perhaps they yelled because they knew it would also cut off the videofeed to their show.

It is not clear what happened next. 

I woke up in a new clone in Mehatoor.