Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Good advice and help

Yesterday, I saw Lord Garion Avarr passing through the library. He is consiliarius of the corporation, and has an office next to the library. 
He’s the first male SFRIM capsuleer I saw in the library, and he seemed not interested in books, just passing through. If one would not know better and only had library attendance to judge from, one would conclude that SFRIM is a warrior nun corporation. Well, the nun part of the analogy doesn’t apply, not with the way some are dressed, but I trust the reader will understand what I mean.
I see why Lord Garion Avarr was chosen as consiliar. He is a good listener, and a wise man. He looks somewhat stern at first but puts you at ease quickly. I liked his office, with the framed scripture quotes on the wall. I think he may have been a chaplain in the army. 
He gave me good advice on how to keep my soul safe when I must talk to heretics often. Not only by prayer, but also by ‘surrounding myself with faithful’, as in Book of Missions. I think I may align myself with SFRIM when my neutrality is no longer needed for my quest. Their goals and approach seem quite compatible with mine. 
Another good piece of advice was to train for logistics. Although my vows forbid me from hurting other capsuleers directly, nothing stands in the way of repairing and protecting ships of the fleet I serve in.
After our meeting, I found Ishta Maleto in the library, and soon after Lunarisse Aspenstar came in as well. I discussed my intention to find Goner Sarachem in the New Eden system. I was immediately offered help, invaluable help. They have a station in that system that does not show up on regular scan, and I can use it as a staging ground for my explorations. I had heard baseliners talk about this “farthest shore” but as it was hidden, I though it was something from the past.
And a received another good piece of advice: to train covert operations. This should allow me to avoid unpleasant encounters with the likes of CODE. The local hoodlums in the EVE constellation are called White Sky.