Sunday, 21 August 2022

Somewhere between business motivation and self-improvement

I thought it was strange: a lot of baseliners hovering around the bookshelf of Business Motivation and Self-Improvement. 

Those have never been popular here. Certainly not with Amarr baseliners. It is different for our Legionaire Caldari friends, they are more interested in that sort of works. But it weren't statesfolk hanging around the Business Motivation shelf...

So, I went to check it out. The customers that were there dispersed really quickly as I approached.

And, what did I find, lodged between "Twelve Habits of Highly Effective People" and "Mastering your Emotions to Grow Rich"?  To my utter dismay there were two copies of "The Scent of Faith." Unlabeled! These were not any of the fifteen copies we acquired and removed.

This is another copy that someone brought in, and hid there to share with their friends! It is not part of our collection, but it is smuggled in and put in between a lesser used part our collection. Only those who know exactly where to look can take these copies and view them.

The nightmare continues. 

I instructed the library assistants and the book shelvers to scour the stacks for more hidden copies, but this will take days given the extent of our collection. And I'll have to talk to Luna about this unpleasant development...