Friday, 30 April 2021

The eve of war

There has been another terror attack, yesterday. This time it was Girani-Fa, and the vessels were from the Federation. The images of the attack were broadcast by Amarr Certified News without commentary, live.

This second strike shattered my belief that the attack on Tanoo was an isolated freak incident, launched by a Brutor general who lost his or her mind. The harsh reality dawned upon me and those who were watching the events unfold with me that a war has been declared against the Empire. 

We are mobilizing. Shore leaves have been cancelled. Fleet commanders are taking stock of their ships, and commoners are taking stock of their pantry. Indeed, the baseliners, usually unfazed by wars between capsuleer corporations, are panicking this time, and hoarding supplies.  

Everyone is tense, keeping an eye on the newsfeeds, waiting and hoping for guidance from the Empress. 

Also in capsuleer channels, everyone is on edge. Hawks are quarrelling with those trying to understand why the Republic and the Federation deny involvement in these acts of war. All sorts of conspiracy theories about the true intent of the attackers go around. Lord Shutaq-Newelle reminded us about our proper roles, countering these speculations with an admonishment, "Shut up and man your posts". Today we balance on a cusp between war and de-escalation, but what will be decided seems indeed out of our hands.