I went back to Feythabolis. The first attempt failed, and my only crew member got ejected in a life pod. I had not kept enough attention to the fact the the Interdiction Nullifier has a recharging time that is rather long. After using it to bypass a bubble on a outgoing jump gate, I found myself in a bubble at an entering jump gate without enough time to recharge...
My second attempt - without crew member as she is making her way back to hisec - was successful. I made it out to the Talocan systems, now held by other alliances. Their lands have been divided by the Skeleton Crew (C45-9Y constellation) and ZERG (RGH-40 constellation). The Talocanites are... extinct here. At first, I failed to get a response from the new lords of the lands. But, warping into a mining crew, at last I connected with the Zerg! And they got the Pax Amarria to their leadership - it will only take a moment before they see the light!
[ 2023.06.05 21:37:23 ] Theodosius Savnar > Greetings, miners. I mean no harm. I come from the worlds at the core of the cluster, from Amarr.
[ 2023.06.05 21:38:25 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > Greetings explorer, good luck with your flight!
[ 2023.06.05 21:39:01 ] Theodosius Savnar > Thanks! I would like to learn about the former occupants of the system, the Talocan Star Empire. Are any of them still around?
[ 2023.06.05 21:40:19 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > We do not know. We're just mining for the glory of the Queen!
[ 2023.06.05 21:41:05 ] Theodosius Savnar > Glory to Empress Catiz! I have brought copies of the Pax Amarria, and I can drop some at your Territorial Claim Unit.
[ 2023.06.05 21:42:16 ] Theodosius Savnar > Would it be permitted to explore in this constellation? And could I get access to one of your stations? I am only interested in relics from the ancients, and would gladly contract the rest to one of you.
[ 2023.06.05 21:42:23 ] Qqes > OK am can take it
[ 2023.06.05 21:43:26 ] Qqes > am on star gate Stargate (Minmatar System)*
[ 2023.06.05 21:43:52 ] Qqes > P8-BKQ
[ 2023.06.05 21:44:06 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > I'm sorry, I don't have the right to open docks
[ 2023.06.05 21:44:31 ] Theodosius Savnar > The Pax Amarrias have been dropped close to your territorial claim unit, and I have abandoned cargo, so you can just take them.
[ 2023.06.05 21:44:56 ] Qqes > не трогайте его
[ 2023.06.05 21:45:26 ] KROSSTAR > да ктож такой грех на душу возьмет
[ 2023.06.05 21:45:52 ] Theodosius Savnar > I shall not interfere, для вас нет риска
[ 2023.06.05 21:46:10 ] Qqes > we can speak whith our Ceo about that
[ 2023.06.05 21:46:21 ] Theodosius Savnar > Yes! Please bring me to your leader.
[ 2023.06.05 21:46:54 ] Theodosius Savnar > Perhaps we can negociate something mutually beneficial
[ 2023.06.05 21:47:27 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > We will deliver Pax Ammaria to our leader!
[ 2023.06.05 21:48:06 ] Theodosius Savnar > I'll stick around for some days. Who is your exalted leader?
[ 2023.06.05 21:49:36 ] Theodosius Savnar > I am only interested in the relics of the ancients, in particular the Takmahl and the Talocan. All the rest I find here, I will drop off to any station that you wish.
[ 2023.06.05 21:50:07 ] Qqes > am can teke a contact
[ 2023.06.05 21:50:14 ] Qqes > secon my friend
[ 2023.06.05 21:50:23 ] Theodosius Savnar > First, I need permission to explore in your space!
[ 2023.06.05 21:50:35 ] Theodosius Savnar > Blue standings, if possible.
[ 2023.06.05 21:51:16 ] Theodosius Savnar > Also, to make a contract, I need a station to drop off the loot.
[ 2023.06.05 21:52:01 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > Our leader is resting today. You need to come earlier and contact our leader.
[ 2023.06.05 21:52:35 ] Qqes > Kbyrfybnt Dkflf
[ 2023.06.05 21:52:40 ] Qqes > Линканите влада
[ 2023.06.05 21:53:00 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > Vladislav Mernher Our leader
[ 2023.06.05 21:53:27 ] KROSSTAR > ZERG REBORN we will put Your present to our Leader with a pleaser. Ssory for making Your highesty to wait
[ 2023.06.05 21:55:09 ] Theodosius Savnar > All right! I'll send Vladislav an evemail. Thank you for indulging me. I hope to be exploring alongside with you all soon!
[ 2023.06.05 21:55:37 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > Fly safe!
[ 2023.06.05 21:55:41 ] KROSSTAR > Theodosius Savnar Fly safe!
[ 2023.06.05 21:55:48 ] Theodosius Savnar > you all too!
[ 2023.06.05 21:55:54 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > We also need to rest.