Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Contact with the conquerors

I went back to Feythabolis. The first attempt failed, and my only crew member got ejected in a life pod. I had not kept enough attention to the fact the the Interdiction Nullifier has a recharging time that is rather long. After using it to bypass a bubble on a outgoing jump gate, I found myself in a bubble at an entering jump gate without enough time to recharge...

My second attempt - without crew member as she is making her way back to hisec - was successful. I made it out to the Talocan systems, now held by other alliances. Their lands have been divided by the Skeleton Crew (C45-9Y constellation) and ZERG (RGH-40 constellation). The Talocanites are... extinct here. At first, I failed to get a response from the new lords of the lands. But, warping into a mining crew, at last I connected with the Zerg! And they got the Pax Amarria to their leadership - it will only take a moment before they see the light!

[ 2023.06.05 21:37:23 ] Theodosius Savnar > Greetings, miners. I mean no harm. I come from the worlds at the core of the cluster, from Amarr.

[ 2023.06.05 21:38:25 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > Greetings explorer, good luck with your flight!

[ 2023.06.05 21:39:01 ] Theodosius Savnar > Thanks! I would like to learn about the former occupants of the system, the Talocan Star Empire. Are any of them still around?

[ 2023.06.05 21:40:19 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > We do not know. We're just mining for the glory of the Queen!

[ 2023.06.05 21:41:05 ] Theodosius Savnar > Glory to Empress Catiz! I have brought copies of the Pax Amarria, and I can drop some at your Territorial Claim Unit.

[ 2023.06.05 21:42:16 ] Theodosius Savnar > Would it be permitted to explore in this constellation? And could I get access to one of your stations? I am only interested in relics from the ancients, and would gladly contract the rest to one of you.

[ 2023.06.05 21:42:23 ] Qqes > OK am can take it

[ 2023.06.05 21:43:26 ] Qqes > am on star gate  Stargate (Minmatar System)*

[ 2023.06.05 21:43:52 ] Qqes > P8-BKQ

[ 2023.06.05 21:44:06 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > I'm sorry, I don't have the right to open docks

[ 2023.06.05 21:44:31 ] Theodosius Savnar > The Pax Amarrias have been dropped close to your territorial claim unit, and I have abandoned cargo, so you can just take them.

[ 2023.06.05 21:44:56 ] Qqes > не трогайте его

[ 2023.06.05 21:45:26 ] KROSSTAR > да ктож такой грех на душу возьмет

[ 2023.06.05 21:45:52 ] Theodosius Savnar > I shall not interfere, для вас нет риска

[ 2023.06.05 21:46:10 ] Qqes > we can speak whith our Ceo about that

[ 2023.06.05 21:46:21 ] Theodosius Savnar > Yes! Please bring me to your leader.

[ 2023.06.05 21:46:54 ] Theodosius Savnar > Perhaps we can negociate something mutually beneficial

[ 2023.06.05 21:47:27 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > We will deliver Pax Ammaria to our leader!

[ 2023.06.05 21:48:06 ] Theodosius Savnar > I'll stick around for some days. Who is your exalted leader?

[ 2023.06.05 21:49:36 ] Theodosius Savnar > I am only interested in the relics of the ancients, in particular the Takmahl and the Talocan. All the rest I find here, I will drop off to any station that you wish.

[ 2023.06.05 21:50:07 ] Qqes > am can teke a contact

[ 2023.06.05 21:50:14 ] Qqes > secon my friend

[ 2023.06.05 21:50:23 ] Theodosius Savnar > First, I need permission to explore in your space!

[ 2023.06.05 21:50:35 ] Theodosius Savnar > Blue standings, if possible.

[ 2023.06.05 21:51:16 ] Theodosius Savnar > Also, to make a contract, I need a station to drop off the loot.

[ 2023.06.05 21:52:01 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > Our leader is resting today. You need to come earlier and contact our leader.

[ 2023.06.05 21:52:35 ] Qqes > Kbyrfybnt Dkflf

[ 2023.06.05 21:52:40 ] Qqes > Линканите влада

[ 2023.06.05 21:53:00 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > Vladislav Mernher Our leader

[ 2023.06.05 21:53:27 ] KROSSTAR > ZERG REBORN we will put Your present to our Leader with a pleaser. Ssory for making Your highesty to wait

[ 2023.06.05 21:55:09 ] Theodosius Savnar > All right! I'll send Vladislav an evemail. Thank you for indulging me. I hope to be exploring alongside with you all soon!

[ 2023.06.05 21:55:37 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > Fly safe!

[ 2023.06.05 21:55:41 ] KROSSTAR > Theodosius Savnar Fly safe!

[ 2023.06.05 21:55:48 ] Theodosius Savnar > you all too!

[ 2023.06.05 21:55:54 ] Kemiloto Kashuken > We also need to rest.

This is most promising, and much more fruitful than any of my attempts to contact the Talocan Star Empire. They've taken the Pax Amarria's to their leadership! What more can a missionary ask for? I have sent their king a mail, asking humbly for permission to explore. I eagerly await his answer.