Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Another hurdle

For us, capsuleers, it is so easy to obtain a clone that it has become almost a reflex to discard and install clones in stations.

So I thought I would be easy to get a clone for the Takmahl corpse to transplant the cybernetic implants to. These ancient implants are tailored to interface with her specific genotype, but can't function on the degraded corpse. So, just get a new body, right?

Well it is not that easy. You can't get a clone of someone else. You can only have yourself cloned.

In the early days of cloning technology, there were some horrible scandals. It is said that most innovations are immediately abused to satisfy some depravities of the human mind in a new way. This has also proven true for cloning. For a hefty price, one could buy a clone of a famous holoreel star. Stalkers with money had their victim cloned. Such cases of abuse of the technology resulted in strict laws.

I inquired both with Poteque Pharmaceuticals and with Zainou (the biggest market players in cloning), but neither companies were willing to help me obtain a clone based on the Accadis DNA.