Sunday, 24 July 2022

Free junk

I've gotten into a heated discussion with mr. Jepen. He insists in giving me frigates and useless modules and a bunch of isk. I have tried to explain to him that I operate under a vow of poverty, and I am not going to accept ships. 

He can keep his Venture and his Sigil, the gesture is appreciated. Less appreciated are all these civil-grade modules, like the civil data or relic analyzer. I showed mr. Jepen that I have a data II and relic II analyzer on stand by and hence no need for this cheap junk produced in some Caldari megafactory at a discount price. 

It was to no avail. I have no choice but to accept a package delivered to my hangar... I think I will donate these things to the first new capsuleer I get to chat with in Conoban, that is the only way to get rid of it.