Saturday, 5 February 2022

Sounds behind the Walls

Perhaps one thing to add to the summary is that I spent some time in an Achur monastery, and learned about their version of the Sceptre. I even got to see a shard of it, and it could be dated to the time the Eve Gate must have been built. Perhaps there were several Sceptres and as the Goners think they can indeed unlock the Gate...

But, coming back from daydreaming to daily reality at the lamp. There is a noise, a clunking, audible behind walls from time to time. It got Mittens' attention. It's probably just the structure settling in, but I want to make sure we do not have a poltergeist. So I'm having some advanced equipment shipped in from my contacts at the Theology Council. Poltergeists have an effect on the electrostatic potentials in the room and on the thermal gradients in the room. This equipment will detect and track it.