Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Antimatter bombs

I insisted on another stakeout, to see if the Bhaalgorn had changed its routine since we last came. Perhaps our visit raised an alarm and they changed their routine? Or perhaps the Blood Sommelier was laying out a trap - I had to be sure before venturing back into that horrible place. So we kept watch, day and night.

Meanwhile we have a suitcase antimatter bomb with us in the Indigatrix. When antimatter touches regular matter, it recombines with it, annihilating, and releasing all of its mass as pure energy. Detonating an antimatter bomb is easy. Just release the antimatter. The hard part is to prevent it from detonating, and that is what all the machinery in the suitcase is constantly doing, with triple redundancy safeties. Right up to the point where we want it to explode.

One gram of antimatter annihilating one gram of matter equates to forty kilotons of TNT, enough to flatten a medium-sized city. The bomb we carry with us carries a grain of antimatter of twelve and a half grams, suspended in a magnetic bottle and the highest vacuum achievable. Its release will destroy everything inside the blood cellar, ionizing it by the blast and gamma rays, and most likely the entire structure will explode.

Understandably, there is some nervousness among the crew about waiting days with this thing in our cargo hold. However, now after a few days I am happy that the Bhaalgorn's routine hasn't changed, and I could bring them the good news.

We're bringing the bomb in tomorrow.