Thursday, 14 January 2021

Journeying with Sarachem

Today, I flew alongside Goner Sarachem for a long while. I noticed how several capsuleers tried to woo him in the communications channel. Ladies of a very dubious allure logged in to the Goner Temple channel, but Goner Sarachem remained impervious to the temptations they offered.

He reminds of the desert fathers who went out alone into the desolate sands and sought God in the total solitude between dunes and sky. An ascetic life, a hermit's life. After much fasting and deprivation, demons started to appear to them. These demons took the form of tasty food or of wise men sowing doubts, or monsters inciting fear, or harlots tempting them with lewd thoughts and carnal feelings. The demons offered the fathers everything from simple water to wealth or sex if they would forsake the hermit's life. But the desert fathers took dead wood and made it into a club, and they took the thorny desert shrubs and wound it around the club and with it they beat back the demons of temptation.

Do I appear like a demon to Sarachem?