Monday, 29 May 2023


The Talocan Star Empire seems to have stabilized again, keeping a smaller nucleus of systems in Feythabolis. Perhaps I should take an exploration vessel out there this time, rather than a shuttle.

Meanwhile, I have been busy with advertisements. The constant strean of advertisements sent to me by Federation publishing houses has made me think about how common this "marketing" way of communicating anything from products to political ideas must be in the Federation. 

At the same time, I became aware of a new initiative from the owners of the billboards in Upwell stations. They will allow capsuleer corporations to display their own adverts, and this all over the cluster. 

This seems to me a great opportunity for spreading the light of faith peacefully to our neighbors. It could also be of help to our diplomatic efforts in Caille. Based on my experience making documentaries, and with the suggestions of Amicia Cora (who has experience in diplomacy), I made a draft version of such an advertisement.