Wednesday, 7 June 2023


The Zerg are a quiet but hospitable and peaceful people. It is a rare treat in these faraway lands to find such folk.

They are mostly busy with mining and keeping to themselves. I suspect the Zerg king, Vladislav Mernher, is a good man. He did not reply to me, though. While he does have the text "LIKE RAGE PEOPLE" (yes, all caps) in his bio, he also included an image of a kitten in his bio. From this, I conclude his soul must be redeemable.

I have been given rights to dock in a citadel of theirs, in P8-BKO. It even has a free cloning bay service. I was greeted with a welcome message, again in all caps. These people have not properly mastered the art of the alphabet yet. The message was "WELCOME TO ZERG CRINGE LAND". 

After settling in in my hangar, I went on an exploration tour in the constellation, but till now I did not find any relics of the ancients. I did find useless trash in data sites: data cores and decryptors. As the station is controlled by Mernher's lieutenant, Romuil Meza, I contracted the loot to him. His bio just consists of the sentence "You can write me", so that is encouraging. Also, it was not all in caps, so he must be a man of refined culture out here.