Thursday 23 March 2023

Confession of impotence

I get these files from time to time. Forwarded from recruiting. About someone utterly broken. Like, captured by blood raiders at the age of three, and got free just a year ago, well into adulthood. All messed up.

They get referred to me. As if I can fix them. As if I have any power over all these years of abuse. I do not. All I can do is listen. I attempt to say things, things that get dismissed or get interpreted as wrongful interference from someone who does not understand. Who can not understand. And that's correct, I admit I can not.

So often, I feel completely powerless to help. It drains me, because I want to help but I am unable to, and perhaps my words have an adverse effect. Is this a common feeling amongst spiritual helpers? Is there a way to disconnect and feel neutral about it? If so, I pray God helps me find it.