It took a while before the continuation of my logs could be released. The MIO had to clear us first.
And for a reason. At first sight, it appears that LUMEN operatives (not just me) helped the United Neopian Federation smuggle out an advanced AI from under Condord and Federation surveillance... but let me tell what happened chronologically.
To be honest, there was not all that much choice. Glitter Edifice's Search and Rescue subroutine was a fully weaponized creature, some sort of drooling exosceleton monster with a pop-out fanged mouthbone. Resisting was not an option, I knew that as soon as the airlock opened. It would never agree to the 'decompilation of a Sapient'.
The creature proved its worth, as we were attacked as soon as we entered the tomb. Rife with Challenges was still not knowing what was coming towards it, and freaked out. It used all the tomb defenses that could still be activated. As soon as we entered it, we were attacked by the nanite swarm, injuring ms. Tetria Brezia.
Meanwhile, Aria and Maria had arrived in the system, for their own search and rescue mission. For me.
[to be continued]