Monday, 24 February 2025

The Understanding under pressure

The last exploration vessel that I lost was during my time traveling through the barbarian lands, en route to to the Zerg in Feythabolis, a people that appear open to the message of God. That happened now well over a year ago, before mr. Firth was assigned to the Indagatrix. However, since then I did lose a number ships during alliance operations and operations mandated by the Empress.

My political officer mr. Ivan Firth is well aware of this, and we have an "understanding". He is not particularly keen to end up in an emergency escape pod in space, and I am already more than grateful enough if he advises me only in the Indagatrix, my trusted exploration vessel. 

So, he stayed in the docked Anathema while I was off to do my part in the fight against the Drifters yesterday. After the fleet operations, I have made a trip to Seclusion, to see how the renovation and enlargement of the the Chapel of St. Vasrayi is going. I may have brought people along that were not quite cleared for travel, but I did so in good conscience.

Of course, mr. Firth found out about this and was not pleased at all. I understand he is displeased, but honestly, there was no need for shouting or frothing-at-the-mouth kind of anger. I think he overreacts, probably because he is worried about upholding the severitas that comes with his new rank after his recent promotion. 

Anyway, until further notice he will be joining me also in my (non-exploration) operations in fleet.