Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Comms channels

The Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris (PIE) are one of the oldest capsuleer orders in the Empire. They have a most impressive library near the Emperor Family Academy. I spent the entire day in the Praetorian library. There are many old volumes but disappointingly few on the Avatat and Ametat.

I also learned about some interesting communication channels. “PIE Public” is the channel of the Praetores, but it seems not very busy. I did spot Aspenstar logged in on the PIE comm channel, as well as another IGS member, Aldrith Shaqur. He appears to be an important member of the Praetores. Another useful channel is “The Good Word”, it is much busier. Again, Aspenstar is present, and here also from time to time Nauplius.

Kernher is nowhere to be seen – maybe she retired from public life?