Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Race and religion

I am not in the habit of reading or consulting the International Galactic Summit (IGS) forum, but when a contribution of the Directrix-Emerita appears, I do get a 'ping', or warning.

Nicoletta Mithra can rightly be called a capsuleer Doctor of the Faith, and her writings always offer valuable theological insights. 

This time around, there was an argument about the superiority of Amarrians over other races. That was the opening paragraph of the discussion as stated by some fervent but misguided youngster. Lady Mithra clearly laid out that the duty of all faithful are the same regardless of race. We are not selected as God's chosen because of our genetic makeup, but because of how we live. Here is a pearl of wisdom that she shared: "The first and most important convert in the life of any True Amarr is themselves."

Later in the discussion, the argument somehow turned to theodicity. In that regard, I need to talk to one of our own LUMEN capsuleers who blasphemed saying she would kill God if she met Him.