Thursday, 17 March 2022


The downfall of the Order of the Black Cross started when they declared war on Aegis Militia, the other group that was supporting the Tetrimon. It appears they allied themselves with Blood Raiders and other dubious characters.

One of their 'friends' was a certain Arderich, a sedevacantist before they become known by that name. He declared the following tenets of his belief:

"1) Pax Amarria must burn and
2) the Udorian House Tash-Murkon must retreat.
3) I realize this statements are clearly against the decisions of Heideran. Neiher Heideran nor Doriam were Gods chosen ones is a logical conclusion of this two first statements. On a side note: again I am pleased to have heard a similar statement form Grand Master Horm.

I think this pretty much sums up the whole chaos and I am not at all interested to get between the lines of this nonsense that is happeneing between multiracial corporations/alliances with wicked and strange relationships all over.

This was a decade ago, but reeks of Sedevacantism. It seems this heresy was simmering underneath long before Nauplius became its self-proclaimed leader. This leads me to believe it will not go away once Nauplius goes away...