Friday, 9 July 2021

Rens incident

A few days ago, I was transiting in Rens, in Heimatar. The warp core of the Indigatrix was giving me warning messages, so I docked up for quick repairs. You don't want a warp core malfunction in between gates. I was waiting in a small bakery shop, with a coffee and a book, while the repairs took place.

In the Republic, it is not uncommon for us, Amarrians, to get yelled at and insulted. Never accept coffee that you did not see being brewed in front of your own eyes, unless you like the taste of spit. Now especially the tempers run high, as Minmatar pilots are all riled up by these foolish reenactments of battles against Amarr for Republic "liberation day" celebration. Like every year it ends up being a celebration of violence.

As I was waiting, a man came up to me menacingly. Judging by his clothes and demeanor, he was military. Pale skin, dark hair, rather tall. He had a Sebiestor face, with scars on his face but no visible tattoos. Maybe he didn't take the Voluval, maybe he was born in Empire space. He somehow knew I was in LUMEN, because he addressed me as "Lumen". He yelled it as he came towards me and looked quite disturbed. 

At that point I was trying to remember when I had last made a clone backup.

He did not draw a knife or gun, though. He just shouted at me, confusing language. About how I should tell Tamiroth that Howdahri was attacked and killed. Now, I know Tamiroth as the fourth planet of the Amarr home system. And I have no idea how I have to pass on a message to a planet. I concluded he had mental problems, and frankly, at the moment, I was too stunned to respond.

He added an accusation about the murderess of this Howdahri. I will not repeat it here as I do not want slander another member of LUMEN. The man turned and left before I could respond.

As I said, I thought these were the ramblings of a madman. So while I was a bit shocked I gave it no further thought.

That is, until I found out that Tamiroth is not only a planet, but also the name of one of our SFRIM members, apparently on leave now.