As I have been away from the library more often recently, I have been scouting for a capable assistant librarian. I have found one: mr. Jensen, who is famous in librarian circles for his book classification scheme, the Jensen Index.
The good man suffered an accident during travel, a warp core breach in wormhole transit. The gravitational distortion of spacetime during this accident has affected him down to the molecular level. As a result, time appears to flow more rapidly for mr. Jensen since the accident. Conversely, for us mr. Jensen appears to have slowed down. For this reason he has lost his job of master librarian at Hedion's Graduate School for Design.
We met at the Amarr Civil Service station a while ago, when I was taking care of the formalities for Layla's corpse. He's a big shot, and I was amazed to hear that he was fired. I asked him if he would be interested to work at Mehatoor's library. It took him a while to respond, not surprising given his condition, but he accepted. I look forward to having him in the library.