Saturday, 10 April 2021

Outsourcing war

Khimi Harar has discovered a nest of Kybernauts in the kingdom. These Triglavian collaborators are enemies of the empire, and should be eliminated before they can grow. The corporate leadership declared war to destroy their base of operations.

I am always a bit wary of such wars of choice. They feels distinctly like vigilante action that circumvents the official channels: investigation and trial by the Theology Council, and then retribution by the Imperial Navy.
But I am old-fashioned. Nowadays peacekeeping as well as war are outsourced to capsuleer corporations. The modern private military industry tolerates little oversight, and is routinely asked to perform operations for the ministry of internal order. I am sure that also in the present case, the MIO attaché has sanctioned, if not commissioned this engagement.
Yesterday, I offered prayer service in the Chapel, to bless our warriors and ask for a crusader indulgence for our pilots. At this point in my training, I can contribute little more to the fight.
I have arrived in Dam-Torsad. Even though I have repeatedly visited it over the last few months, I don't think I will ever get used to the hustle and bustle of our capital. Tomorrow, I will make my way to the Book and meet with the Keeper.