Friday, 5 February 2021

Pentagram constellations

Do you know the feeling, when you are searching for a name or a word, and it is on the tip of your tongue but you just cannot find it? You've enunciated the word many times before, but just at that moment it eludes you, and your mind cannot rest until you have remembered it?
I sometimes have a similar feeling when I pursue an investigation. My subconscious has made a connection but it is not yet in the spotlight of my conscious mind. Yet I can feel that there is something bothering me, something rattling around in my mind escaping me. Even though usually it is not anything of great importance, it bugs me for days. I've been having this feeling for a couple of days now, and knew it was linked to the gate network, but it took me until today to hatch my mental egg. 
I think I know why the Takmahl settled in Araz.
Or at least, I have a theory: they settled in a pentagram constellation. The five stars central to their empire -Aphi, Nidupad, Garisas, Chanoun and Jakri- for a little cluster separated from the other stars, and each one of those five is connected to the other four:

They form a pentagram - a symbol of protection that appears in many cultures. In fact, it appears in the logo of the "protectors", Concord, DED and the Secure Commerce Commission. It is also found in the shapes of the head of Takmahl deities as can be seen from the statues depicting them. Just as the triangles matter to the Triglavians, I believe the pentagram mattered as a symbol for the Takmahl.
Pentagram constellations are exceedingly rare. They are a waste of resources in a race to expand the empire when every link you lay is costly. I suspect the Talocan forged this icon in space, just as they forged the labyrinth in Aphi.

In fact, there is only one other pentagram constellation in our cluster. It is in the Deklein region and consists of the systems XCBK-X, GYS5-26, 9CK-KZ, VPLL-N, 4N-BUI. This is fought over between the “Sylvanas Super Mercenary” coalition and the "Federation of Respect Honor Passion" alliance at the moment.
However, Deklein would have been technologically out of reach for groups fleeing Amarr two thousand years ago. If they sent out a cryoship to that remote location, it would probably still be underway or may have arrived just a few centuries ago. So, at one point, I would like to investigate these systems and may need to find how I can bribe the warlords so they grant me passage through their dominion.