There was a theft of technology and pods in Jita, the main trade hub in the State. It looks like the Gurista pirates are involved. The theft also include a lot of information, intelligence gathering.
Capsuleers all over New Eden are hunting down these capsules, and selling whatever information or runaways they find inside. That information then tends to spread around - no-one remembers the slogan "loose lips sink ships". So it was that via friends in the interlibrary loan network we were casually discussing the news and I learned about a piece of disturbing information.
Now, in one of the retrieved capsule's holostorage subsystems the following shard of text was found: "eard from one of the cell members based in the Amarr Trade Registry offices. Passed on some information about EDENCOM spending priorities during the invasion he'd dug u"
The Amarr trade registry station closest to the Concord systems is here in Nasreri! I can only conclude that the spy cell (hopefully not a terrorist cell) operates from here. I've alerted the board - it is no coincidence that this spy cell is here in the same station where SFRIM put its new headquarters.
We're being spied upon! Aria may be confident in the airtight security cordon around the Lamp, but human error lurks around every corner. Now, how to unmask these spectres? I have to read up on counterintelligence operations, there must be some sort of handbook in our library.