Saturday, 30 April 2022

Thorne responds

Thorne finally responded. I had already given up on him.

It appears he has started the search. I had written a message I wanted to convey to his eminence Cardinal Graelyn, should he be found. However, Ulrik Thorne seems to think this message is -I quote- "good bait" to lure the Cardinal out of his hiding. 

So, I have come to suspect mr. Thorne has ulterior motives, perhaps nefarious ones as concerns the Cardinal. This is definitely not a Jita scammer who wants my money, no, he seems to use me and my cause to find the Cardinal for his own purpose! Sometimes I even imagine Thorne might want to harm high clergy, such as his eminence. Ridiculous as that thought seems at first sight, it is not impossible.

To complicate matters, Thorne has refused my ISK payment, and wants something else instead. A Matari aspirant of any sex or bloodline, third generation or later whose contract is held by the Praetorians. What does it mean? I'm not a holder, and why would I procure a slave for mr. Thorne? I don't know how to react to this request, to be honest.