The celebrations of the joint jubilees of PIE, the Societas, and Khimi Harar was magnificent and inspiring. The location was also sublime: the fabled Lok'ri Ballroom at the Excubitoris Chapterhouse on Oris.
A formal prayer service was held, and it was broadcast on "The Good Word" public channel so that the faithful could follow while making the final adjustments to their outfits. Shortly after, the guests started to arrive at the Lok'ri estate. The festivities began with a procession, with magnificent floats honoring the prophets and the saints and the Empress. This was followed by speeches, or course, and then the dining and dancing began.
I could see that our people were having a good time. Even Paladin Kley, usually tense due to the relentless fighting with Triglavians on Raravoss, seemed somewhat relaxed.
I did see more diplomats and officials from the Federation than I expected. Notably, commander Edward Adams representing the fed's Nadire Security Consultants was present. No doubt the opportunity was taken to conduct informal negotiations in the corridors and gardens. After the Pashanai negotiations and the pi-day ceasefire, Federation and Empire are clearly still figuring out how to deal with each other. Capsuleer organizations may lead the way by example.
There was no sign of hostility, no drama, no scuffle - stains that so
often mark capsuleer gatherings. At least for the time that I was
present, the mood was excellent. I did not stay very long though - probably the party will have gone on till the small hours of the night, but I wanted to rest before clone jumping back to Eugales.