Wednesday 27 July 2022

Mr. Jepen's demon

I thought I managed to bond well with mr. Jepen. He seemed to enjoy the possibility to tell me his story and hear my counsel. He asked me to go for a drink again tonight, after I would finish some other missions he had for me. I agreed, if I was allowed to refuse another ship he said he was obligated to give me.

Mr. Jepen's disappointment with his demotion from level 3 agent to career agent runs deep. It has become a demon that clouds his judgment. He drinks far too much. I tried to cheer him up, saying that the prestige of a job does not matter to God, the only thing that matters to Him is doing our job in the very best way we can do it.

He then got this crazy glint in his drunk man's eyes. I don't know if he was angry about what I said but before I could ask, he stood up and shouted "I'll be the best career agent EVER!", after which he downed his final drink. He turned to me and said "I have a brilliant idea! The most brilliant ever! I'll send you the mission coordinates later, be there on time tomorrow!" After that, he  stumbled towards the exit and shouted a slurred "goodbye and good luck!". I thought he went home. At least that's where I hoped he was going, as ideas hatched under the influence of two bottles of wine only seem brilliant until the hangover.

But instead he went back to the office. I know, because forty minutes later I received the coordinates and there was no way to opt out of the mission, Jepen must have faked my approval. Does he want to help me or hurt me (or both, he's Khanid)? Only one way to find out: I'll go there tomorrow.