Sunday, 2 June 2024

The King's answer

We have been camping out in space, as I do not have docking rights in any station in the constellation. Having two cloak technicians has proven especially handy, as they can take shifts maintaining cloak, and keeping cloak stabilization.

Today, there was a unique occasion! King Basil Vulpine was in the system, probably for an inspection of his domains. I tried to contact him on local system-wide chat:

Theodosius Savnar > Hi Grassbladians!

Theodosius Savnar > I am doing some exploring in these systems close to Jove space; they intrigue me. I'll be flying around in an unarmed anathema with peaceful intentions!

Theodosius Savnar > <url=showinfo:1376//648365165>Basil Vulpine</url>, greetings! I sent you a mail a couple of days ago, about me hanging around in your space. 

Theodosius Savnar > I have not yet had the pleasure and honor of an answer, I hope you do not mind me being here.

There was no answer. Or perhaps, there was an answer, but not in words. An ice mining fleet docked up, a gnosis and a heron undocked and sent out combat probes. 

I consider that rude. 

Perhaps there is a certain ceremonial way of addressing the King of the Grassbladians? Have I offended them? I used the servile tense of the verbs, but perhaps it is different in their language, and the universal translator made a mistake between the servile, polite, familiar and and imperious tenses? Anyway, they should have given me the benefit of the doubt.

Most barbarian tribes are known to be hostile to strangers, but if I compare the Grassbladians with the Zerg of Feythabolis, the latter eventually grew to trust me and started conversations. And let me use some stations.

When I get back to Mehatoor, I will write up a sermon to be handed out to our capsuleers in Syndicate, about hospitality and answering foreign explorers reaching out in local. Using words, not guns.