I am writing another letter to marshall Sirdan xer Qosh, to inform his lordship of a severe defect to the Empire's acceleration gates, and I am putting the Secure Trade Commission in copy to warn them of deceptive advertising.
The gates do not permit shuttles to enter!
Yet, the structure, probably they bought it from Upwell, says: [This accelaration gate] "handles battleship size ships or smaller". Either they have really tiny battleships at Upwell, or this is clearly false advertising.
I have to change my plans, and use an unarmed, uncrewed frigate in stead - hopefully mr. Firth will not find out, or he might feel obliged to join. Well, mr. Firth will probably not want to find out, so that helps.
I will try a Punisher class ship, fitted with an oversized micro warp drive, a trick I learned from Dr. Moriarty during my stay at Eve Gate. It is cheap, and quite hard to track when circling around at ten kilometers per second. I think I heard Faith Griffiths once refer to this as "speed tanking".