Yesterday, May 14th YC123, I heeded the call to help in a rescue effort. The Arataka Research Consortium (ARC) planned to evacuate refugees from the Triglavian occupied systems. ARC knows the region well, they do research on the changes occurring in the occupied systems, and they have my esteem and trust. Moreover, this was a fleet that I could participate in without breaking my vow of non-aggression. It felt as a good way to contribute.
The fleet was mustered in Isanamo by a commander with callsign "DutchGunner". She is a kind and (at that moment still) cheerful person. Volunteer pilots had come from all over the cluster. There was a spirit of camaraderie stronger than the rivalry between our nations, offering a glimpse of a united humanity. And yet, one of us had hidden plans to bring marines and establish a military presence. I am sure that had this been known, this pilot would have been kicked out from the fleet.
This collaboration was reflected in the industrial vessels of the
fleet: from each empire there was at least one industrial. I flew a
bestower. It was shield tanked, which is not my strong suit - I am more
of an armor person. Its expanded cargo holds contained planetary
vehicles and a shuttle, and no weaponry whatsoever. The ship itself was
Of course there was tension, but it was not between races, rather it was tension about the mission. We had just received news that the diplomatic negociations for safe passage through kybernaut patrolled areas had failed. We had a minimal amount of escort vessels and logi support, it was clear that the mission's success would depend on luck as well as on the mercy of the occupation forces.
Our first destination was Otela, a system held by Perun clade. When we arrived, the fleet was split up. I didn't feel too comfortable about spreading our forces thin, weak as we already were, but it is not my role to question a fleet commander. I was assigned Otela V.
There was a substantial Triglavian (non-capsuleer) fleet in orbit about Otela V, but they did not engage me, or the ship that was escorting me. I started the rescue operation, and the first groups of refugees had just arrived, when without any warning, the Triglavian fleet opened hostilities. I think they primaried my transport first, I was targeted by their entire fleet. The logis were unable to help with the massive amount of firepower, and the industrial was lost with all hands. There was no time for escape pods. I managed to warp off my pod, reshipped in a corvette and awaited orders.
The rest of the fleet also came under attack. We received the order to retreat and make our way back to Caldari highsec space. I managed to jump to Obanen but on the Caldari side of the gate, a Triglavian gate camping fleet was waiting. I got podded.
It seems that the hostile reaction came when the pilot who had brought contraband was exposed. Or, who knows, this pilot was an agent whose task it was to give a cause for the attack. Today, as I write this report, another rescue operation is underway. This time, I think the escort will be stronger, and I will pray for success of this renewed attempt.