Thursday, 1 April 2021

Message from the Book of Records

I received unexpected good news. 
Somewhat over a month ago, I filed a request to visit the Book of Records - not the online version but the physical one in Dam-Torsad. It contains more information than the digitized version, and moreover you get a Record Keeper to help you with your search. 
Today I got a message that my request was tentatively approved, and I should now schedule an interview with a Record Keeper, to further evaluate my request.
I had almost forgotten about this, as I had filed this request impulsively and somewhat in anger at the bureaucratic absurdity in the Department of the Deceased. 
You may remember that I found a Takmahl corpse during one my archeological missions. I keep it in stasis and I want to bring it into the station to analyze its cybernetic implants and try to get them online again. A clerk at the DoD refused to give me permission to move the corpse unless I get a signed statement from the closest living relative. I still think that the clerk doesn't know his job. Or he wanted to spite me. 
But I do have a family name, Accadis, a name rare enough to attempt some genealogical research and trace the lineage. Of course, the dead Takmahl won't be in the book, but maybe the family line itself could be - it may have branches that stayed in the faith and in the book. 
It's a long shot, and in all honesty I must also confess a more selfish motivation: visiting the Book of Records is something I always wanted to do. And now an excuse to do so presents itself.