Since the incident where the militia attacked a Lux Invicta structure, relations have been deteriorating between the militia on the one hand and LUMEN on the other hand.
Khimi Harar, with SFRIM and PIE at its core, is now by far the largest alliance of Amarrian loyalist capsuleers. The militia, in particular Local is Primary (LiP) under the command of House Newelle, opposes the cooperation between Khimi Harar and Electus Matari and Phoenix Naval Systems. The Throne supports limited collaboration in the context of EDENCOM - but for House Newelle, and house Yassavi, the collaboration is going too far and threatens their operations in the warzone.
I think that's nonsense. Lord Lok'ri and our young Kor-Azor diplomat, Amicia Cora, have explained LUMEN's motives and refuted the allegations leveled against us thoroughly. To no avail.
The tone of the debate has become ever more harsh, and standings have been reset. It looks like we are heading for an Amarrian capsuleer civil war. Of course, the ones to benefit most from that are the Kybernauts and the radical Matari, and they are egging on the feud.
I pray the Empress or the privy council would intervene...