An unpleasant surprise awaited at my return to Jakri. There's been a raid on our expedition! The cogwheel artifacts are stolen.
The raid was well planned, and executed with brute force. The slaves, still trying out all combinations, were threatened at gunpoint to relinquish the artifacts.
Very few people knew the details of our exploration - Munan, a handful of members of the Jakri Archeological Society, the Holder who committed slaves, and the overseer of the slave contingent. All appear above suspicion. The overseer reminded us that any one of the slaves themselves might be implicated. And indeed, among those who survived thorough interrogation by the overseer, two confessed to relaying information to Boulette's gang.
It matters little, I have documented the artifacts, there is little more to learn from them. Also, the scanning can continue and it is still not revealing any hidden rooms adjacent to the chapel room. Moreover, Novan's documentation is convincing me that this is not about a hidden treasure room at all.