We made a dash for it. Tremors were shaking the station, and already causing some damage, as the tomb's powergrid was heading for overload.
Tetria Brezia and I were going up on the elevator, while Glitter's avatar stayed down to try and defuse the time bomb that the self-destruct mechanism is. We were retrieved by Maria and Aria, and ran to the Obsidian Crown. The connecting boom to LUMEN's shuttle had been breached.
Glitter managed to stop the detonation of the tomb's reactor, but not before both the LUMEN crew, Rife, and ms. Brezia had boarded the Obsidian Crown and lifted off the moon's surface. We were brought to safety by the UNF forces.
This might have a diplomatic consequence... So, I want to emphasize that LUMEN did not plan ahead to extract a UNF sapient from the lockdown in Eugales. It may appear to outward observers that we were actively helping the Neopians breach Concord law, but I hope my report clarifies that we were acting under duress.
I also want to emphasize that this is unrelated to our previous help to the UNF to move artifacts and relics away from an active combat zone, a move that has to be interpreted in the context of securing cluster historical heritage from possible harm.