Monday, 26 December 2022

Improved resolution

Novan explored the labirynth, and took pictures. Compared to today's graphics, they are very low quality. 

In fact, all of the footage that I found, from any capsuleer, dates from years ago! 

Imagine how much more information we get with our modern scanners and imaging technology! The resolution, the sharpness, the vividness of the colors has evolved so much in such a short timespan. Even in the two small years that I am a capsuleer, I've seen so much improvement in the visualization our ships can make of their surroundings.

I must image the Talocan gates and the Takmahl space temple, I'll be the first to publish these images in modern times! Ah, perhaps the blood raiders have more footage, but none of that is available to Imperial scholars.

Therefore I toil and work the concord hacking sites to obtain the necessary isk to buy this Stratios vessel. I kept only what I needed to replace the Indagatrix, profits above that going into the skillbook fund or other charity. God provides, wightstorm comms relays are present close to Nasreri.