Saturday, 1 March 2025

New rumors

Once again I find myself trying to calm down some non-capsuleer station workers in the Lamp's congregation, baseliners who are riled up by weird rumors circulating among them. Often they do their jobs unseen by the capsuleers, going in and out of ships as crew members, maintenance teams, cargo or warehouse workers, sanitary workers, and so on. 

These rumors get stranger when there is a conflict, as now with the Drifters, and tend to become  mingled with conspiracy theories old and new. 

The story that circulates now is that the latest combat fleet that entered the Drifter home system in Anoikis has retrieved the corpse of the late Empress Jamyl in one of the battleships of a high-ranking Drifter officer that was also present at the fatal attack in Safizon. The baseliners continued in hushed voices to claim that this will lead to the second resurrection of the beloved Empress Jamyl, and will bring about a new era of peace in the Cluster.

They showed me a little bit of secretly taken footage of a female corpse being transported from the Drifter wreck to the vessel of the Arataka Research Consortium commander, clearly after an intense battle with Drifters. The corpse is not of a drifter female, but looks like a regular human corpse, perhaps capsuleer.

There is no way to find out whether the footage is real, but the man (and his friends) swear by the honesty of his nephew's dentist's sister-in-law's cousin, who serves on one of the LUMEN ships that was part of the fleet, and who took the footage. Even if it is real, there is no reason why this corpse would be who they think she is. I told them to stop spreading these rumors, turn in the footage to the MIO, and reflect on how unlikely this all is.