This morning, I found the station in Mehatoor in a celebratory mood. It soon became clear that we have booked a great victory in our war in Pochven. For a while now, together with our allies in Edencom, we have been trying to vanquish the Red Azbel, a kybernaut stronghold from which they produce arms and ammunition.
The Battle of Wirashoda which took place yesterday must have been the largest capsuleer engagement in Pochven yet. The odds were against our fleet. The enemy had amassed a far greater host, and brought in wildlings from Delve, in far greater number than our own barbarian auxiliaries.
Moreover, their stronghold allowed them to reship. As we broke wave after wave of defenders, they kept coming in their Leshak battleships. Our auxiliaries crumbled and fled, but the core of the Edencom alliance - us and our allies from Electus Matari en Phoenix Naval Systems - held fast.
To force the outcome of the battle, and to bring down the Red Azbel for once and for all, the valiant navy plunged forward, guns ablaze, knowing they would not survive. But also knowing that our suicide mission fleet had enough firepower to take down the structure - God granted us victory through our sacrifice. When all seemed lost, faith carried our crewmen and they fulfilled their duty without fear of death, certain of their place at the right hand side of God. Though we suffered great losses, the enemy's loss is greater still. Their factory of evil cannot be rebuilt.
I am convinced that this will be a turning point in the Pochven war. I have offered a prayer of thanks, as it is fitting to thank God for this triumph. My thoughts go out to the families of the martyrs and all others they leave behind. May they find solace and may they be cared for till the end of their days.