If you had told me a year ago that I would have a Ni-Kunni dinner in the illustrious company of several prominent Holders of the Empire and the Kingdom, I would have laughed at you. Add to that a number of prominent personalities - one of them (ms. Therese Isimazu) dealing the death blow to Chakaid's Titan, and I would have been very worried about your sanity.
Yet it happened yesterday.
Lunarisse invited these esteemed guests to her uncle's restaurant in the Souk in Tanoo, this is a Ni-Kunni nomadic trading enclave. I was allowed attend as well, and it was magnificent. The food was delicious: the eels brought back childhood memories. There was a Ni Kunni food store close to where my parents lived and my mother would get live river eels and prepare them on special occasions.
The company at the dinner was far beyond what any commoner would deserve or hope for. The discussions were stimulating and intellectual - I talked with a Minmatar elite soldier, Eran Mintor, and with Aria and we debated how the existential dread differs between baseliners and capsuleers given their lessened mortality.
I wish I could have shared the story of this evening with my parents, commoners like me who never in their life met a Holder.
Our discussions also turned to the treacherous attack of the Triglavians and their collaborators on the rescue convoys to which I participated. It is a topic that I also hear discussed of late by the baseliners in Mehatoor. The rumor among them is that this latest horrendous acts have driven lord Reginald 'Triangloktonos' Sakakibara to take up the sword again. He's a tactician and fleet commander of the Edencom Defense Initiative and Lumen, and he gained renown during the Triglavian war due to his relentlessness and endurance. It earned him nicknames such as 'the Bane of Triglav' and 'the Lion of Kothe'. Verily, the Kybernauts will rue the day they set alight unarmed transports.